The Stitch Doctor is in

Yes,  stitch can be therapy.   This year we will have a series of projects beginning in February that concentrate on the meditative and stress reducing aspects of quiltmaking.   Although I am not a therapist,  much like your friendly bartender, a good quilt project can make all those troubles fade away.   Better than the bartender,  a quilting or stitching hangover just means you might need to pick stray threads from strange spots.   Your livers wont suffer either.   

Tomorrow will have the first meeting of our new Block of the Month,   Beautiful Valley.   This is going to be the best one yet,  and yes, it can be a therapy quilt too,  coloring and hand stitching certainly fit that model,  and if you do the scrappy version, it could even be stash therapy.    Can’t wait to get you all started on this project.   

Tuesday, the Hand Stitchers Club will meet for finishing some projects,  and Heartstrings will start on Thursday.   Please read the supply list carefully and bring the items needed for the first session.   

If you are new to us, please be sure to subscribe to the blog from the link on the sidebar.  You can also friend Diana Louie on Facebook as our blog is networked there too.      You can let us know what you think by leaving a comment,  or sending us an email.    Drop in for a ‘shot’ of creative therapy anytime!

About villagefabricshoppe

We are open 12-5 Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday Tuesday and Friday by appointment.
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